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Capacity Planning & Consulting

Capacity planning can be defined as the production capacity needed by an organization to meet changing demands for its products and infrastructure. In the context of capacity planning, “capacity” is the maximum amount of traffic the infrastructure is capable of completing in a given period of time.

A discrepancy between the capacity of an infrastructure and the demands of its customers results in inefficiency, either in under-utilized resources or unfulfilled customers. The goal of capacity planning is to minimize this discrepancy. Demand for infrastructure capacity varies based on changes in production output, such as increasing or decreasing the production quantity of an existing product, or producing new products. Better utilization of existing capacity can be accomplished through improvements in overall IT infrastructure Optimization. Capacity can be increased through introducing new technologies and equipments.

Capacity planning within your organization can sometimes be on the back seat until inefficiencies are identified. With organizations not having dedicated capacity planning teams; M Intergraph Strategic Consulting team are able to provide the full capacity planning analysis within your selected environment. Enabling you to make the right strategic decision in terms of added investment and expansion to your infrastructure.

Capacity Planning analysis is based on the following phases;

  • Identify the key resources and infrastructure to be measured
  • Measure the utilization or performance of the resources
  • Correlate with any KPI / SLA requirements of those resources
  • Compare utilization to maximum capacities.
  • Collect workload forecasts and new services that will be provisioned in the future
  • Transform workload forecasts into IT resource requirements
  • Map requirements onto existing utilization
  • Predict when the infrastructure will be out of capacity
  • Update forecasts and utilization and recommendations on expansion